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who I am, in my words

I'm passionate about building companies and coalitions of value to bring about a more equitable future for generations to come.


My specific role in this work is to promote the building and support of technology startup ventures in Africa while helping American and other foreign investors connect with the right opportunities in a mutually beneficial manner.


To refuel along this journey, I'm an avid triathlete and writer, and am relearning the cello.


I'm proud to have been born and raised in the South Side of Chicago in the United States, but my ultimate allegiance is to the advancement of mankind as a whole. My focus in life therefore is to effect measurable impact in my niche, African tech entrepreneurship, over the next 50 years.




Man's greatest feats are never achieved by one person. They require coalitions. So do I need you to succeed. Join me or let me know how I can support you by subscribing to my biyearly newsletter below, and consider reaching out via my Contact form above.

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